Thursday, October 18, 2012

Growing Up

When I was a kid I used to be pretty shy. Kadie was always the more outgoing one and Tasha was just on a whole different level. I don't know why I was like that but the only person that could bring me out of my shell was Kadie. In the photograph of me with the bunny face you can see I'm a little bit awkward. I'm tugging at my bathing suit and I'm smiling with my mouth closed. In the picture of Kadie and I, I'm crawling on the counters, wearing my grandpas glasses and have huge smile. But if you look at Kadie, she's making an even funnier face than I am. Even though I was a bit shy as a child, I can honestly say they were some of the best years of my life. I was so carefree as a child and different have to worry about judgement or anything stressful in life. Everything was just fun.

Growing older I began to realize who I wanted to be. Middle school I would say was my awkward stage but in high school I think I grew out of my shell. I no longer needed Kadie to pull me out and be myself. I am now a much more confident girl who is just happy to be myself. I want to laugh and enjoy the things I do. I NEVER take myself to seriously because there's really no point. I love to make fun of myself and just laugh. You don't always need to be smiling in a picture and trying to look pretty and you don't always need to impress people. I've learned to just be myself, and I can honestly say I'm loving it.

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