Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Editor's Comments

While reading this essay it got me thinking that I don't really know what my strong suits are in photography yet. In the beginning he talked about sports and how there is that one person who is meant to do one thing, the "designated hitter". When I read this I obviously thought of tennis because that is the sport I play... So I guess my speciality is tennis in a way. But what part specifically? I like to think that I am a good doubles player. I like to pouch and be aggressive at the net, so in a doubles team I would be the aggressive player. However, this essay is clearly not mean to be about sports, but more of what is your speciality in photography. After last year I can definitely say that I love to use film cameras. Although I will probably be doing a lot of digital, I like going into the dark room and doing that whole process and I love the quality of a film camera and how the pictures come out. I will probably experiment with digital a lot this year because I would love to see my pictures in color and be able to edit them. When I thought about what kind of photography I liked to do, I just thought a mix of still lifes and portraits. But a specific type of still life. I don't like setting up little scenes or taking pictures of objects, I like more of the nature stuff. Like getting really close to a plant so you can see all detail then snapping a picture. After last year I also realized how much I loved to do portraits. I love doing people and animals both. I think its cool to be able to direct someone and get this amazing picture of a person and put them in an environment and making them look the same, but in a different way. Shooting animals is also very fun. I like to take close up pictures of animals, not ones from just far away of them sitting down. It's a lot more interesting to get up close to it and get a picture that can show the animal in a different way. But I still don't know exactly what my speciality is, hopefully after this is I will gain a better knowledge!   


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