Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 Although unfortunately I do not have an artist name for these pictures, these we're still the ones that inspired me most on our trip to the museum. I very much like to do portraits and we had assignments last year in photography similar to these pictures. One of them is using light and shadows, and the other is motion. I thought these pictures were both very complex, although they seem to be simple. I love the man doing a flip in front of a white background. It makes it looks so simple but you focus on the person and he is captured so perfectly. In the picture with the man and the shadow, you do not only see the shadow but also the way the light is coming in. The way the man stands right in front of where the light is coming in and is holding his hand out gives it kind of a creepy feel. I thought these photographs were really well done and it make me look at them longer and gave me some good ideas. 

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