Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Independent Project: Object

For my independent project this quarter I am doing "Object". The object I chose is different colored leaves changing because of the seasons. So basically natural things representational of fall. I've taken pictures of dead trees, changing leave colors and flowers - several things.
    I looked up online some photos to get some ideas and further my grasp of this and these are what I found. 

Robert Glenn Ketchum is a famous natural landscape photographer that I found when I was researching on this. I looked up some of his photos and he had a collection specifically during the fall season. I thought his pictures were incredible and the colors were just AMAZING. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

David Hockney & Cubism

David Hockney's Joiners 

Cubism: Photocubism is the compiling of several photographs to create a single composition. Generally speaking, they are photo collages or montages. 

Joseph Browning 

Mingmonkol Sonakul 


Diego Kuffer Cubism Photography: 

Chris Hartschuh Cubism Photography: 

Diptychs and Triptychs

Diptych: A diptych is a photographic art piece that uses two different or identical pieces side by side to form one whole piece.

Babette Mongolte

Mike K.

Susan Tuttle

Triptych: A triptych is a set of three pictures bearing similar content that are framed together to form one whole piece either touching or spaces between. 

Tony Cece 
Kristin Guest  

Lisa Mendez 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Growing Up

When I was a kid I used to be pretty shy. Kadie was always the more outgoing one and Tasha was just on a whole different level. I don't know why I was like that but the only person that could bring me out of my shell was Kadie. In the photograph of me with the bunny face you can see I'm a little bit awkward. I'm tugging at my bathing suit and I'm smiling with my mouth closed. In the picture of Kadie and I, I'm crawling on the counters, wearing my grandpas glasses and have huge smile. But if you look at Kadie, she's making an even funnier face than I am. Even though I was a bit shy as a child, I can honestly say they were some of the best years of my life. I was so carefree as a child and different have to worry about judgement or anything stressful in life. Everything was just fun.

Growing older I began to realize who I wanted to be. Middle school I would say was my awkward stage but in high school I think I grew out of my shell. I no longer needed Kadie to pull me out and be myself. I am now a much more confident girl who is just happy to be myself. I want to laugh and enjoy the things I do. I NEVER take myself to seriously because there's really no point. I love to make fun of myself and just laugh. You don't always need to be smiling in a picture and trying to look pretty and you don't always need to impress people. I've learned to just be myself, and I can honestly say I'm loving it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Emulsion Techniques

The top image on the left is the emulsion I did during class. That is the "Purell" technique. I loved doing this type of transfer, I thought it was amazing. The top image on the right is an example of an emulsion onto glass and the bottom image is an example of overlapping emulsions. All these new techniques are very cool and I am very interested in all of them. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 Although unfortunately I do not have an artist name for these pictures, these we're still the ones that inspired me most on our trip to the museum. I very much like to do portraits and we had assignments last year in photography similar to these pictures. One of them is using light and shadows, and the other is motion. I thought these pictures were both very complex, although they seem to be simple. I love the man doing a flip in front of a white background. It makes it looks so simple but you focus on the person and he is captured so perfectly. In the picture with the man and the shadow, you do not only see the shadow but also the way the light is coming in. The way the man stands right in front of where the light is coming in and is holding his hand out gives it kind of a creepy feel. I thought these photographs were really well done and it make me look at them longer and gave me some good ideas. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Editor's Comments

While reading this essay it got me thinking that I don't really know what my strong suits are in photography yet. In the beginning he talked about sports and how there is that one person who is meant to do one thing, the "designated hitter". When I read this I obviously thought of tennis because that is the sport I play... So I guess my speciality is tennis in a way. But what part specifically? I like to think that I am a good doubles player. I like to pouch and be aggressive at the net, so in a doubles team I would be the aggressive player. However, this essay is clearly not mean to be about sports, but more of what is your speciality in photography. After last year I can definitely say that I love to use film cameras. Although I will probably be doing a lot of digital, I like going into the dark room and doing that whole process and I love the quality of a film camera and how the pictures come out. I will probably experiment with digital a lot this year because I would love to see my pictures in color and be able to edit them. When I thought about what kind of photography I liked to do, I just thought a mix of still lifes and portraits. But a specific type of still life. I don't like setting up little scenes or taking pictures of objects, I like more of the nature stuff. Like getting really close to a plant so you can see all detail then snapping a picture. After last year I also realized how much I loved to do portraits. I love doing people and animals both. I think its cool to be able to direct someone and get this amazing picture of a person and put them in an environment and making them look the same, but in a different way. Shooting animals is also very fun. I like to take close up pictures of animals, not ones from just far away of them sitting down. It's a lot more interesting to get up close to it and get a picture that can show the animal in a different way. But I still don't know exactly what my speciality is, hopefully after this is I will gain a better knowledge!